Pontianak, Indonesia (West Kalimantan) Sunrise, Sunset, Sun position (Altitude, Azimuth), Twilight and Daylight For day: 2023-12-27. All times are shown in Pontianak local time (GMT+07:00).
Night, Twilight, and Daylight Times in Pontianak for this day: 2023-12-27
Zone Type | Start | End | Length | |
Night | 00:00:00 | 04:24:44 | 4h 24m 44s | |
Astronomical Twilight | 04:24:44 | 04:51:03 | 26m 19s | |
Nautical Twilight | 04:51:03 | 05:17:15 | 26m 12s | |
Civil Twilight | 05:17:15 | 05:39:41 | 22m 26s | |
Daylight | 05:39:41 | 17:47:14 | 12h 7m 33s | |
Civil Twilight | 17:47:14 | 18:09:39 | 22m 25s | |
Nautical Twilight | 18:09:39 | 18:35:52 | 26m 13s | |
Astronomical Twilight | 18:35:52 | 19:02:11 | 26m 19s | |
Night | 19:02:11 | 23:59:59 | 4h 57m 48s |
Sunrise, Sunset and Solar noon here: Pontianak, ID, for day: 2023-12-27.
Sunrise | Solar noon | Sunset | |
Time | 05:39:41 | 11:43:27 | 17:47:14 |
Azimuth | 113.4° | 180° | 246.7° |
Day Length | 12h 7m 33s |
Distance Earth-Sun (Center-to-center 12:00):
147 119 736 km91 415 966 mi
0°= North, 180°=South
Table view of above data:
(Azimuth: 0°=North, 90°=West, 180°=South, 270°=East)
Time | Altitude | Azimuth |
000 | -66.3° | 170.6° |
100 | -60.1° | 142.9° |
200 | -49.4° | 127.6° |
300 | -36.9° | 119.8° |
400 | -23.6° | 115.7° |
500 | -10° | 113.8° |
600 | 3.8° | 113.4° |
700 | 17.5° | 114.6° |
800 | 31° | 117.5° |
900 | 43.9° | 123.4° |
1000 | 55.7° | 134.6° |
1100 | 64.4° | 156.3° |
1200 | 66.3° | 189.3° |
1300 | 60.2° | 217.1° |
1400 | 49.5° | 232.4° |
1500 | 37° | 240.3° |
1600 | 23.7° | 244.4° |
1700 | 10.1° | 246.3° |
1800 | -3.7° | 246.6° |
1900 | -17.4° | 245.5° |
2000 | -30.9° | 242.5° |
2100 | -43.9° | 236.6° |
2200 | -55.6° | 225.4° |
2300 | -64.3° | 203.8° |
2400 | -66.3° | 170.8° |