Sunrise, sunset time or position of the Sun in Indonesia depend of the location in country (latitude, longitude and local timezone).
East part of Indonesia, (city with largest Longitude - from our database which include 387 cities):
Jayapura, Sunrise: 05:29:49, Sunset: 17:35:28 (Local time)
West part of Indonesia, (city with smallest Longitude):
Sabang, Sunrise: 06:29:28, Sunset: 18:38:57 (Local time)
For example, duration of sunrise from East to West part of Indonesia is: 2h 59m 39s
This means we can't calculate exact sunrise and sunset times for Indonesia. Please select city for more information.
Largest | West← | East→ | North↑ | South↓ | |
City | Jakarta | Sabang | Jayapura | Sabang | Kupang |
Latitude ↕ | -6.215 | 5.89 | -2.534 | 5.89 | -10.171 |
Longitude ↔ | 106.845 | 95.316 | 140.718 | 95.316 | 123.607 |
Local timezone | GMT+07 | GMT+07 | GMT+09 | GMT+07 | GMT+08 |
Sunrise | 05:46:05 | 06:29:28 | 05:29:49 | 06:29:28 | 05:39:57 |
Solar noon | 11:48:06 | 12:34:12 | 11:32:39 | 12:34:12 | 11:41:04 |
Sunset | 17:50:07 | 18:38:57 | 17:35:28 | 18:38:57 | 17:42:12 |
Day Length | 12h 4m 2s | 12h 9m 29s | 12h 5m 39s | 12h 9m 29s | 12h 2m 15s |
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