Sunrise, sunset time or position of the Sun in Svalbard and Jan Mayen depend of the location in country (latitude, longitude and local timezone).
East part of Svalbard and Jan Mayen, (city with largest Longitude - from our database which include 2 cities):
Longyearbyen, Sunrise: 07:52:08, Sunset: 17:40:26 (Local time)
West part of Svalbard and Jan Mayen, (city with smallest Longitude):
Olonkinbyen, Sunrise: 09:03:01, Sunset: 19:44:26 (Local time)
For example, duration of sunrise from East to West part of Svalbard and Jan Mayen is: 1h 10m 53s
This means we can't calculate exact sunrise and sunset times for Svalbard and Jan Mayen. Please select city for more information.
Largest | West← | East→ | North↑ | South↓ | |
City | Longyearbyen | Olonkinbyen | Longyearbyen | Longyearbyen | Olonkinbyen |
Latitude ↕ | 78.223 | 70.922 | 78.223 | 78.223 | 70.922 |
Longitude ↔ | 15.647 | -8.719 | 15.647 | 15.647 | -8.719 |
Local timezone | GMT+02 | GMT+02 | GMT+02 | GMT+02 | GMT+02 |
Sunrise | 07:52:08 | 09:03:01 | 07:52:08 | 07:52:08 | 09:03:01 |
Solar noon | 12:46:17 | 14:23:44 | 12:46:17 | 12:46:17 | 14:23:44 |
Sunset | 17:40:26 | 19:44:26 | 17:40:26 | 17:40:26 | 19:44:26 |
Day Length | 9h 48m 18s | 10h 41m 25s | 9h 48m 18s | 9h 48m 18s | 10h 41m 25s |
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