Sunrise, Sunset and Sun position here: Sydney, Australia (New South Wales, City of Sydney). Current time: Friday, 2024-10-04, 05:53 (GMT+10:00) Australia/Sydney . All times are shown in Sydney local time. Solar noon Today will be at: 11:43 (remaining time: +5h 51m), Maximal altitude of Sun: 60.5°. Day Length: 12h 32m 24s (time between sunrise and sunset).
Sunrise | Solar noon | Sunset | |
Time | 05:27:39 | 11:43:51 | 18:00:03 |
Azimuth | 95.8° | 0° | 264.1° |
Day Length | 12h 32m 24s |
Current distance Earth ↔ Sun:
Center-to-center: 149 633 543 km
92 977 973 mi
Sydney ↔ Sun, nearest point: 148 937 378 km
92 545 396 mi
Local timezone: | GMT+10:00 |
Latitude: | -33.86785° |
Longitude: | 151.20732° |
Country: | Australia New South Wales |
Population: | 4 627 345 |
Zone Type | Start | End | Length | |
Night | 00:00:00 | 04:03:00 | 4h 3m 0s | |
Astronomical Twilight | 04:03:00 | 04:33:06 | 30m 6s | |
Nautical Twilight | 04:33:06 | 05:02:37 | 29m 31s | |
Civil Twilight | 05:02:37 | 05:27:39 | 25m 2s | |
Daylight | 05:27:39 | 18:00:03 | 12h 32m 24s | |
Civil Twilight | 18:00:03 | 18:25:05 | 25m 2s | |
Nautical Twilight | 18:25:05 | 18:54:36 | 29m 31s | |
Astronomical Twilight | 18:54:36 | 19:24:42 | 30m 6s | |
Night | 19:24:42 | 23:59:59 | 4h 35m 17s |
Altitude 0-24, Current: 4.2° ( 05:53)
Azimuth 0-24, Current: 92.3° ( 05:53)
Yesterday | Today | Tomorrow | |||
date: | 2024-10-02 | 2024-10-03 | 2024-10-04 | 2024-10-05 | 2024-10-06 |
Day: | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Sunrise: | 05:30:22 | 05:29:01 | 05:27:39 | 05:26:19 | 06:24:58 |
Solar noon: | 11:44:28 | 11:44:10 | 11:43:51 | 11:43:33 | 12:43:15 |
Sunset: | 17:58:35 | 17:59:18 | 18:00:03 | 18:00:47 | 19:01:32 |
Day Length: | 12h 28m 13s | 12h 30m 17s | 12h 32m 24s | 12h 34m 28s | 12h 36m 34s |
Sydney sunrise, sunset informations for whole month (or Year 2024):